State of the Shea Pt. 65: Hundreds of Words for the 100th Episode (“Hot and Bothered”)


It was a kinda crazy 10 days!

Not sure I mentioned it directly on the blog as I did on Twitter, but this fall I’ve been in rehearsals for a local production of The Music Man where I landed the role of Mrs. Paroo (mother of Marian and Winthrop, if you’re familiar with the show). 

We were essentially in 6-hour rehearsals (dress, tech and otherwise) from 11/19 through 11/23– we got Thanksgiving off– and another 5-hour dress last Friday morning before opening that same day (11/25) and performing through the weekend. 

So– that’s where I’ve been.

(Photo courtesy of Indy Ghost Light Photography LLC)

Meanwhile, I had an idea on how to get this post up “quickly” (stop laughing!) once I got time to write it: Keep it ‘100, as the kids say. 

In other words… in honor of “Hot and Bothered” being TGD’s 100th episode, keep the discussion of each little arc to around 100 words. Oh, and if I can find an power-related analogy for each arc– to correspond with the overarching theme of keeping the lights (and the A/C) on in the blazing heat– all the better. (I think I succeeded in that regard; you know where to find me if you disagree!)

Shaun & Powell (Combat Danni)—

Power Struggle

Shaun doesn’t like Powell (Combat Danni)., a feeling exacerbated with the knowledge that she influenced Lim’s decision against the surgery.

Powell doesn’t like that Shaun’s personal feelings interfere with her learning.

Shaun’s attempts at “common ground” are superficial. Powell’s are not.

In a compelling scene that ran Shaun and Powell’s struggles parallel to the OR blackout (and eventual recovery), their mutual interest in historical surgical techniques made the unappealing almond scent of Powell’s hand lotion magically disappear.

(Unless you think she really changed her lotion… but I don’t see her doing that for anyone!)


Powell & Lim—

Feeling Powerful vs. Powerless

Powell’s secondary mission at St. Bon’s appears to be bringing Lim around to a full acceptance and appreciation of her new life “in the chair.”

Lim’s insecurities began to melt away (no “hot & bothered” pun intended) when she not only tagged along to Powell’s basketball game, but took to the court herself and scored! (And I’m not even talking about the instant spark she had with Clay the Pediatrician!)

It was an episode with no interaction between Lim and Shaun, but deep engagement with both for Powell. Her mindset definitely sets up interesting challenges for each of them about turning away the scientific/medical opportunities to be “normal.”


Park & Glassman & POTW Edna the Butterscotch Pudding Lady—

Power Over One’s Future

This unique pairing (along with Morgan/Asher and Lea/Andrews) reminded me of “Potluck”... and the way those pairings brought out new things in characters.

Here, we got an interesting spin on the “quality of life” debate that often crops up in the geriatric community. Unlike May (Jordan & Perez’s patient), Edna was greatly enjoying the little things in life (did she mention a significant other, deceased or otherwise? I don’t think so) and had a clear-eyed attitude regarding the complications of her pending surgery. Park dwells on the potential pain and suffering she faces; Glassman focuses on her potential for resilience.


Perez (Handsome Danny) & Jordan & POTW May:

Making the most of what little power is left

Did you think of Perez (Handsome Dan)’s late, lovely grandmother with this story? She was never mentioned in “Hot and Bothered,” but Perez’s attachment to May was plain as day. 

You know what else was plain as day? The growing (though officially stifled) affection between him and Jordan. 

He is earnest, and honest, and Jordan can’t help but be attracted to that.

She, in turn, is giving and thoughtful (the virtual trip to France was her idea), and Perez can’t help but be attracted to that

Boundaries dissolve all the time in the name of love. I’m intrigued… but also worried.


Morgan & Asher & “Art” (aka Sam)—

Powerless to powerful to powerless (again) to powerful (again) 

Put Asher’s curious trashy side up against Morgan’s disparaging-yet-revelatory nature and you get… some pretty entertaining conversations. 

We haven’t heard much from Morgan this season since Park ended their relationship in the season opener– not much of substance, anyway. So her round of self-reflection was quite welcome. It even made complete sense that it’s Asher to whom she confesses her desire to have a child, given her inability to sustain friendships with her female colleagues. Maybe all the in-car talking is what (mis)led them to the wrong “Art”... though in episode #100, even that glitch produced a happy ending.


Andrews & Lea—

At the mercy of literal power

Finally, we had Lea “Swamp Cooler” Dilallo-Murphy (I’m taking a guess with the name hyphenation) and Marcus “Look after that Hub” Andrews just trying to keep the joint running. Lea was struggling to keep the server room functioning in the crazy heat (dare I say the REAL work), and periodically updating Andrews, who struggled to translate her reports into St. Bon-ese and… direct traffic? (I’m unfairly minimizing his presidential efforts, I know)

Does this mean that she reports to Andrews directly now? The only one I remember her reporting to at all last year was Salen– and of course Glassman before that, but “Decrypt” was 2 seasons ago…



“If you need to… you can borrow my hoodie” (Shaun to Lea)

“Blackout, schmackout… We’ve got to celebrate Art’s 100th!” (Guy w/the cake)

“You’re not old!” (Shaun to his and Powell’s POTW)

“We need to talk about why I don’t like you.” (Shaun to Powell)

I am injured.” /“You were… you’re not anymore.” (Lim/Powell)

“You had a vision board?” (Asher to Morgan)

“She’s contrary.”/ “Oh… kind of sounds like someone we know?” /“Yes, but I like Morgan.” (Shaun/Lea)

“So who did you kidnap?” (Jerome to Asher & Morgan)

“We were like two popsicles in a freezer…” /“Popsicles?” /“Metaphor.” (Glassman/Shaun)

“He’s all yours, Starsky” (Morgan to Asher)*

= given this line, isn’t it a bummer that Lea’s Striped Tomato (which pays homage to the 70s Starsky & Hutch TV series) wasn’t the car being driven?

(Apologies for the minimal screenshots and overused promo stills- another time-saving effort!)


State of the Shea Pt. 66: “Boys Don’t Cry”… But We Do


State of the Shea, Pt. 64: 12 Things I and/or We Learned From “Growth Opportunities”