Kelli M. Lawrence

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State of the Shea Pt. 51: A Day in “The Family” Life

I’m trying for a shorter post this week for a few reasons…

  1. I’ve been watching World Figure Skating Championships all week (as my Twitter followers are probably well aware) and writing/promoting the other side of this website known as State of the SkateMUSIC

  2. I anticipate writing a longer, more detailed post for next week’s offering… which I’m not going to speculate on in this post, but if you’d like to do so in the comments, go for it :)

  3. I might actually get this out to you on SUNDAY (as opposed to the wee wee hours of Monday) if I keep it brief. 

I’ve tried to be relatively before; I wasn’t very successful. Let’s see how this goes.

The House That St. Bon’s Built

From the it’s-a-first-day-in-our-lives-without-Salen montage (to Black Pumas’ “Colors”), where the members of the restored trifecta of power each were seen alone at their real homes…  to Andrews’ inaugural speech to the masses on the hospital steps… to the party of three that tumbled into the ER just a few minutes later to kick off this LONG day (did you notice that as with “Waiting” from S4 and a few others, this episode of TGD only covered the span of a single day?)... the reason for the episode title was a no-brainer. But rather than try and look at the different family roles played by the cast, I’ll break their “house” into rooms:


Here is where the passive/aggressive comments get a lot more direct– and yep, between Andrews and Lim especially, they did– but it’s also a place to wind down. (At least when the “home” is a hospital, and an office is a step up from the Residents’ Lounge.)

Surely there will continue to be spats here and there between this renewed trifecta of St. Bon’s leadership– we may not hear Salen’s name again, but there’s plenty more trouble to go around– but for now, the testament to this revolving door of leadership was nicely resolved with Glassy and Lim both hunting down their respective beverages in what is now (again) Andrews’ office… then sitting around the table, eyeing each other warily. (Ah, so maybe we’re in the kitchen now? No, wait, that’s the Nurses Station…)

FULL DISCLOSURE before move into the #Shea scenes… I don’t know what to call the room in the “house” where Morgan takes up meditation.

This wasn’t the first time we’ve seen her do it; back in S2 we saw her practicing a little yoga and meditation as everyone recovered from the “Quarantine” episodes. But attempting it in the break room at St. Bon’s? Morgan, who used to keep her softer side tucked away at work? No wonder Shaun was confused. 

Which is not to say I take issue with Morgan’s attempts to reinvent herself– for however long it lasts, I’m on board. But if “Cheat Day’ felt like a big catch-up episode for her and Park, “The Family” seemed an equally large resolution, and redemption effort on Morgan’s part. As long as TGD doesn’t stuff the two of them into a corner for the next three episodes- with zero story progression– I’m okay with it.

I didn’t give this room a specific name because, of course, it’s not at the hospital like the other “rooms” in the house… but I’m also never sure what to call it anyway. Is it a patio? A terrace? A sun room? Whatever it is, they did a marvelous job of framing #Shea with the fairy lights as they basked in a celebratory kiss. 

And as for the one room– outside of the bathroom– that I’ve yet to discuss…? Well as I said at the top… I suspect that room will get more than its share of attention in the next episode.